i have always thought that this was the tower of London..but it is not the case. this is the tower bridge built many centuries (19thc vs. 11thc.) after the tower was built..silly me.

the bridge is victorian and quite pretty with some unexpected industrial revolution design elements..loving this joint..right?

now this here is the tower! uh duh. it was built as a fortress by william the conquerer (1066). and all the subsequent kings added onto it. the tower refers to the cluster of buildings behind the fortress walls (built to protect those inside from marauding vikings..them again??) it had many functions..only one of which was lopping off heads (anne boleyn) and torturing people.

the tower is also home to the crown jewels, and all the beefeaters who look an awful lot like the wicked witches' gaurds in the wizard of oz.

we learned tons of history in the tower about the different kings through the ages..but mostly i was intrigued by pattern..surprise!
intrigued by pattern..surprise!

i could not get enough of all the old stone and wood work of the ancient structures.

so..i thought i would share.

think there is something here for fall 2012?

give me your thoughts.