i absolutely cannot live without the new yorker magazine. in fact, i am part of a new yorker magazine club that meets once a month to discuss the articles. so fun. last night i read a shouts and murmers column by genius writer ian frazier called "easy cocktails from the cursing mommy". this thing is so hilarious. and i just love that he gets how on the edge we mommies can get. you would not believe. anyway here is an excerpt for you. bon apetit!
"For starters, God damn to hell my father’s fucking girlfriend, who expects me to do all the food and the cleanup at his seventy-fifth birthday party, and then she’ll take all the credit for herself, such a fucking jerk. Fuck the township, also, for changing fucking Bulky Waste Day from Monday to Friday and now I have to haul all that shit that I carried down this morning back up from the curb or they’re going to give us a ticket, the fucking bureaucratic red-tape, petty, time-server assholes. And, just in passing, fuck the fucking Bush Administration—I know they’re not in power anymore, but fuck them anyway, because they’re such a bunch of fucks. And on the subject of stupid fucks, fuck the—"
ReplyDeleteCursing Mommies was the funniest thing i've read in months! (Does Ian know us?)