mickey drexler has been my business girl crush for many years. he is the reason why the gap got cool. period. and now that he has turned j crew into the house of coolness that it is these days, i will forever be under his spell. he is a merchant prince, and there really aren't that many of them around. i love mickey for oh so many reasons, but a big one is that he cares so deeply and passionately about the brands he works for, and he is always striving to do better, and learn more. he spends a lot of time with his customers, asking them what they do and don't like about the offerings, but he also spends time asking his employees what
they think would be good to add.

it seems that one of his latest passions is adding existing brands to the j crew lineup that he feels are a good fit with the company's philosophy and aesthetic. this seems to be working for j crew and the companys they are co branding with as well..like red wing boots( above), fenton fallon jewelry (below), timex, and sea bags to name a few.
the new yorker recently ran a delicious story about mickey that described him taking the team to maine so that they could get the feel and vibe of the quoddy moccasin company. he knows that you need to live it if you want to understand it. and these days, i think this is what it takes to get customers excited about your offerings. (angela adams sea bag below)

i know mickey will be inspiring us all for a long time to come, and will continue to teach all us merchants how it is done. i heart you mickey! (quoddy mocc below)

classic timex
Oh Jill--if I didn't like you so much already this would have sealed the deal. I find Drexler to be a total inspiration and a dreamboat to boot.