for me it doesn't get any better than pucci! another of my design heroes emilio really knew how to live, and he designed everything, from dresses and handbags, to airplanes and skis. when i am thinking about a new collection, i am always drawn back to signore pucci. as i was doing some research this evening i came accross a wonderful list of ten things that one should know about the designer, and so i thought that i would pass them along here..the list is fab!
1) Born in Florence, Italy to one of the oldest noble families
2) Avid sportsman who swam, skied, fenced, played tennis, raced cars and was a bomber pilot in WWII

6) From his fashion house in Capri he developed casual wear in bold colors and prints in lightweight materials such as Capri pants.
7) The popularity of his clothing skyrocketed when consumers discovered his lightweight fabrics. They could all be packed into one bag for travel.

9) Designed the three bird motif for the Apollo 15 mission patch.
10) Marilyn Monroe was buried in one of Emilio Pucci’s dresses.

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