the other day i took the plunge and walked over to the clover food truck (plopped down in the center of dewey square) which i had previously thought only sold herbal teas (boring/elitist/yuck!)..i don't know what gave me that idea..perhaps the name? clover..hmmm?

it turns out that i was quite wrong..this is a food truck with heart and soul..an operation i can really sink my teeth into..ha! if you happen to wander over to their adorable website these guys are people who really care about what they are feeding you. they want your interaction and feedback. they are friendly. they want to make sure not only are they serving something yummy, but something that is also healthful, and not unnecessarily overly caloric! can you stand it? lawrence told me that he tried some of their breakfast things this am..and he is so picky! he reports uber yum!! now i can't wait to have one of their offerings..that mushroom sandwich sounds amazing..and i am fascinated by the egg and eggplant concoction..it makes my mouth water..ooh yes! i do love good food!

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