i couldn't resist continuing with my analysis of the globes fashion, just because it's all so delicious.. and i would love to hear your feedback! so here is clare danes in a pink-y number from calvin that i loved on her..i thought that she looked clean and modern and sleek..not to mention her fantastic performance as the amazing temple grandin..hoorah!

jennifer love hewitt..hmmm..i don't get her and i don't get this dress at all..waaaay to origami pour moi.

woah! nic!? what up? this dress is so so scary uptight and sad..oh how i wish my satine from moulin rouge would show up one of these days..now
she was something!

natalie..i know you're pregnant and the new it girl that hollywood cannot get enough of..but what is this thing? ohhh well..who cares? she's perfect, so it doesn't matter.

eva longoria..blech..i do not get her at all. i see she is popular, and a babe..but it's lost on me!

helena..you're killing me with the one green shoe, and the one red shoe..and the super kooky dress..you cannot help but think she is having herself a big fat laugh! i say let your freak flag fly girl..you go!

julianne..somehow you look super shlumpy with your necklace holding op this whole shmeggeggy outfit..and why did she look like she had just put on new contactys all night..hmmm..at least the thing is pink!

oy with leah michele..isn't she twelve? why is she wearing this thing for old ladies..i don't think she has a clue!

my thea thought michelle williams looked embarrassing in this daisy dress...but i liked it..cute..fun!

and this white thing on j lo with the poncho cape-y top was really the worst..all i can say is WHY?
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