last week i posted about the derivation of our new concept for spring: the skinny vase. it all started with this drawing..now it was time to make the drawing into a real live piece!

the result was very "meh" to say the least..wah! often this happens..when i do a drawing i think..oh genius! let's go! but by the same token..just as often the genius concept turns out to be a bust, as in this case..and so in a way it was back to the drawing board. our next thought was to fit the long shape with an adapted key that we could merchandise with our other key forms from last season..the result [below] is not that bad, but notgreat either...hmm..what to do?

i never say no to a morroccan tile, and we thought that this would suit the shape, but something said keep going.

so in the next case we fattened up the shapes and changed the proportions for a very pleasing result..

but5 when we placed it on the thinner longer form the proportions looked funny..so at this point we are still searching for the perfect fit..oh the trials!!

stay tuned for a final result in the coming week!
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